Our Method & Rates

tax services digitized.
for an efficient office and actionable advice.

Our method & rates

Automation is at the core of our firm. We have programmed our complete back-office into our custom-made PHP portal that we call ‘MyArchipel’. And in the front-office, we continuously maintain our database of best practices, 101’s and designs.

Why? Because we find fulfillment in helping those pushing the envelope succeed. And our contribution to that lies in the creativity and conciseness of our tax work; not in the time we spend doing admin or drafting stuff we’ve drafted before. So: we decided to bring tax services into the 21st century by using some tech.

What does MyArchipel do:

  1. For us: it ties our KYC dossiers, document filing, time logging and financial administration into one single system;
  2. For you: it provides you, per ‘job’, with direct access to your files and deliverables, live and unedited insights into your time sheets and invoices.

Since time is the measure of our service costs, we need to use that time very efficiently to be accessible for as many envelope pushers as possible. By automating and standardizing what what we can -the tedious and repetitive stuff-, we prioritize the value-adding work that we actually studied for: the detailed (and creative!) tax stuff.

With the underlying legal work being of the top quality that our Bar Association warranties, our design department helps make our ‘detailed tax stuff’ clear and actionable. So that your deliverable is top notch, but just that little bit fresher and crisper. 

We call it process innovation. We call it 21st century tax services. And we call it: great days at the office.    

What I mostly like in Archipel is the personalized service we got. Archipel is a boutique firm that employs professional calibers with international experience and extensive business knowledge in The Netherlands. I recall when we first connected, not only did we discuss the legal setup in the Netherlands, but we also touched base on the overall legal setup in the US too. The minutes of our first meeting that were communicated were simple yet detailed. They included a roadmap too. The follow-up throughout the incorporation, with the notary public, and the connections to other business entities in The Netherlands was very helpful. Solid advice, flexible personalized service, transparency, professionalism, and pleasant/personable interaction all those traits make of Archipel our long-term partners for sure.  

Mo Ghalayini
Front of the House

Our rates

Our rate card is short and simple

Now that we’ve got the uncomfortable stuff out of the way, don’t hesitate to ask for the possibilities. We are keen to find out what we can offer you!

Archipel Rate Card 2024

Archipel speaks

Some say, knowledge is power, we like to share that power. Read our publications.